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Your power bills are set to shoot up

Stacy Shi

Consumers will pay higher tariffs from next month as the two power companies raise their fuel clause charges from tomorrow.

CLP Power’s fuel cost adjustment will be 62.8 HK cents per unit, 80 HK cents higher than this month.

This means its electricity tariff will go up to HK$1.565 per unit from HK$1,544.

HK Electric will raise its fuel clause charge per unit to 86.4 HK cents, 3.9 HK cents higher than in February.

Its electricity tariff will jump to HK$2 per unit.

If the average monthly electricity consumption of each household is about 411 kilowatt hour, those under CLP will increase from HK$530.51 to HK$536.29 – an extra HK$5.7.

The monthly tariff of households using HK Electric will increase from HK$690.41 to HK$706.43, or HK$16.02 more per month.

The post Your power bills are set to shoot up appeared first on Hong Kong News Hub.

via Hong Kong News Hub
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